Your comments

Only 3 possible reasons for 0 balance. Can by just one of them, or a combination

A. You've been paid out already and hence balance reset to 0.

B. A block with your shares hasn't been found yet

C. A block with your shares has been found, but not 100% confirmed (102 confs)

I'm reading that this fork of the miner is being flagged as malware by some antiviruses. False flag or not, it does make me nervous.

I've gotten at least two of you guys here already, either through a comment on /r/ethermining or through a PM. Just don't try to be in-your-face spam-like with the promotion - personal review / comments sound fine. :)

Alright, then I leave it up to your assessment as to what degree. Thanks. :)

I pointed my 2nd GPU to the VTC pool. Been around only for the last 4 blocks and honestly can't make a judgement if I was affected by your identified issue. So I leave it up to you, you know I trust you. :)

Also take into account the network difficulty swings:

That's like 100% difficulty swings within 1-2 days. Whatever whattomine is telling you for a small blockchain like MONAcoin is always going to be highly inaccurate at any given time. Only look at averages for a longer period of time, not hours, but in days or even weeks.

There wasn't a block found for half a day, you are on a small pool, take the variance into account. It evens out in a longer time frame.

Half a day without a block, that's at least 1/4th cut of a potential reward. Take into account variance as well, you are only looking at a 2 day period for a small pool. Also take into account the MONAcoin value swings on the market over the past days. Whatever whattomine is telling you, don't every try to apply it to such a small time frame as 1-2 days on a small pool. 

Yeah that makes more sense than a timestamp.