Your comments

Is it possible you stopped mining before a block was found and that by the time the block was found your shares were out of the window?

Honestly, I think ETH mining at small pools is going downhill and will only get harder. As much as I like Coinfoundry, I don't see the hashrate reaching our highs ever again on Eth.  Reasons:

- increasing difficulty

- ongoing community discussions on another difficulty bomb and/or decrease of ETH mining rewards due to high inflation

- looming PoS switch

I myself have been mining ETH here for 95% of my mining time, but I stopped mining ETH all together recently, because I don't want to switch to a larger pool and for the above mentioned reasons as well. I'm only a single GPU miner, so for me it's more of a hobby and I switched the coin I mine all together to another one, more of a speculative bet really.

LTC pool didn't find a block in almost 3 months. What do you expect to be paid for?

Shares are relative, they can't be compared bettween pools as they can be based on different difficulty multipliers. As you can see, we found two quick blocs just after you left. 

There is only Oliver as the staff, no one else. I pinged him on Slack, but he seems to be away for the weekend. Guessing he'll be online on Monday.

Send him a direct message on Twitter and ask for a Slack invite.

Your address so that someone can look into it?

How about you ask everyone with a separate post? The pool operator might not be a rig expert, other miners might be.

What's your address so that someone looks into it? There were many scam accusations here over the past, all of the refuted, I'm sure yours can be too.

Pool hashrate is at 115 now. I think it uses some average over a period, that's why you didn't see the spike right away.

Sorry about you not getting any reward for past efforts, this happens in opensource, bugs are part of sw development, its the cost of participating, happened to many people before you, will happen on many projects after you. Good luck with future efforts, I'm sure you'll get a reward for the submitted shares next time the pool finds a block.