
Etherum uncles

happyserendipity 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 12

I know we haven't found an actual block yet, but I'm thinking ahead. Would this pool share an Ethereum uncle reward should one be mined?



Updated the web frontend to make it easier to distinguish uncles from blocks.

Under review

Both uncles and transaction fees will be shared with miners.

We've mined our first uncle a few hours ago but I don't see it on the pool site yet.

Will be answered

Working on it. Saw that something got mined last evening but was too tired to investigate.


Appreciated. I was just paid .08 ether and it helps a lot when block times take so long. I'm quite sure we'll get another 5 or 10 miners at some point here and then our Ethereum pool will really start rocking.

I manually triggered the payout. Currently fixing loading the ethereum blocks table on the pool page. That's why the uncle isn't listed there but got paid out.


Updated the web frontend to make it easier to distinguish uncles from blocks.


I see it. Thanks. While we're talking about the ether pool I wonder if we can gain some miners through advertising? I'm sure you guys have done so already but perhaps I could do a little of mine own? I need to help my brother with a bunch of manual labor today so I couldn't do anything till way later but sure would be nice to get an extra 5 or 10 miners helping decode these blocks...

@Jim: Sounds great! :-)


Okay I'll just think up some basic ideas.. personal review style comments and stick them on reddit an places like that.


I've gotten at least two of you guys here already, either through a comment on /r/ethermining or through a PM. Just don't try to be in-your-face spam-like with the promotion - personal review / comments sound fine. :)

Just deployed a fix for this. From now on Uncles will be handled correctly without manual intervention.