Your comments

Well <0 still = 0. Your balance is likely 0.00000000 . When did you start mining with our pool?


You can't accommodate everyone, people have different tool preferences. We've been running on Slack for some time already and I doubt we would be changing away from it.

Unless the pool operator wants to open up multiple channels of course, but I have a feeling moderating another channel is least of his problems now. You are of course free to run your own IRC or Matrix if you want to.


We have a slack channel that's invite only. Invite requests will come soon.

I am not accusing you, but how would you go about proving that the wallet is yours? I think the only reasonable thing is to have that balance first paid out to your original wallet.

Do we have to wait until the Block is Found 

Rewards are distributed only from the rewards the pool collects for finding a block. If no block is found, the pool has nothing to distribute to our balance.

Even though I'm already above the minimum payout ?

Balances are paid automatically once you reach the minimum payout. If you have reached it and haven't received a payment for some time, then there could be a bug somewhere, it has happened before and was fixed, but the pool operator has to be informed. You need to share your wallet ID so it can be confirmed.

Last block found 10 days ago.

Current status: Looking for new block.

What else do you need? :)

Same answer as below. Read the FAQ if you are a newbie.

Pool has not found a block?

Where did that ccminer work for you?

Not sure I understand correctly, but did you try using the ccminer that was giving you the better hash on this pool?