Your comments

Update: Seems like the commit has been merged into master and included in the today's new (pre)release . Tested it, no rejects.

Yep the pre-release versions have a bug that causes the rejects. It has been fixed already according to the commits, but not yet integrated into a new (pre)release. So hopefully the next version will have that fix.

Yeah I think we're beyond 100% effort on ETH now as we've had 3+Gh/s hashrate about 2 weeks ago. Not much we can do other than wait and promote the pool wherever we can.

Looks like you understand the basic theory behind the payouts. If you've had shares and were actively mining prior to the block being found, than your balance should have been rewarded.

Your unchanged balance might be related to the paymentID/worker confusion. I suppose the pool operator will have a look.

I think you could ask them to install the certificate. I've done this before for other 3rd party hosted solutions and usually they were cooperative.

Looks like userecho charges for it $10/mo, sort of a rip off if you ask me.

You have a typo in your URL. I posted this on reddit as well.

This is your correct url

Read what I wrote in this thread. Same applies to you.

Well, assuming you would have been a consistant loyal miner as I have been over the past 2 months, then you would have earned close maybe around 1.5 ETH over here with that hash rate over that period, or on average 0.1764 ETH a week. Of course, that's just using historical data and it doesn't guarantee the same positive variance going forward. Variance is random. Also, ETH difficulty is rising, so average rewards in ETH will be smaller for everyone and everywhere.

I just compared my earnings on the ETH pool over here since we started. In two months I have earned 80% more than the expected earnings from whattomine for my hashrate. Call that positive variance of a small pool.

So the classic question asked around here. Read the FAQ , particularly where it says "When will I get paid". To sum it up, your balance only increases when this pool finds a block. Last Ethereum block was found 9 days ago. Your balance is absolute 0 for now. When we find a block, you will be rewarded based on your share contribution in the PPLNS window. Expect such a reward significantly larger than what you would get on a large pool that finds blocks every couple minutes or hours.