Under review

Is SSL in the forum gone?

deadbeef 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 7

Apparently since the rebranding, the SSL certificate for the forum hasn't been updated. Here are some screenshots:

Image 145

Image 146

Under review

I wasn't even aware that SSL ever worked for this site. This site is hosted by UserEcho.com and they don't have our SSL certificate.

I think you could ask them to install the certificate. I've done this before for other 3rd party hosted solutions and usually they were cooperative.

Looks like userecho charges for it $10/mo, sort of a rip off if you ask me.

15$/month even. A cruel joke.

At this point, why not hosting a NodeBB forum and using Let's Encrypt certificates? I've never heard of UserEcho before joining this pool, and I think there's a reason why that is.

Certificates are not the problem. We even have a wildcard certificate. Hosting a forum and dealing with all the crap like spam and security patches adds another site to manage and the day already has only 24h.

Fair point, I already see how busy you are. If you're managing everything on your own, maybe you should think about hiring someone to help you out.

I agree maybe it's time to increase the pool fees to accommodate another salaried staff worker. In fact a growing pool could even use a near full time marketer who basically trolls every forum every reddit or slack channel explaining the benefits of coinfoundry. Paying for advertising my seem silly when we should all be able to volunteer to do it ourselves but if a paid advertiser did a really good job it could 10x our hashing power making the effort well worth it..