Your comments

Been getting a lot of network errors today mining ETN on both with and without TLS. Have reverted to old address for now, seems OK.

xmr-stak can run with CPU, AMD GPU and NVIDIA GPU and any mix. If you only want CPU mining your command line would look like this (I'm assuming running in Windows);

xmr-stak.exe --noNVIDIA --noAMD

The setup wizard seems like a good idea. Wish I'd had access to it back when I was a noob... which was about 10 days ago! I guess that still makes me a noob.

I think the "beefed up" instructions could do with an extra paragraph where the blue arrow points to show a more common config i.e. one WITHOUT the payment id shown. Making the 'without' example slightly more prominent (and perhaps pointing out it will do for most people) than the 'with' too should help cut down on noob issues.

This pool page here helped me a lot. Scroll down a bit for examples.

Using "Monero" as the currency in xmr-stak is correct for Electroneum. The only real difference in the command line between Monero and ETN would be the pool details and your ETN wallet address.

I have AMD, Nvidia and CPU mining all in one. Click the link below for the mining software I use.


Yeah sure. I’ll e-mail you. 

That fixed it. Thanks. I'll e-mail you my wallet address.

Strange, page won't load in Chrome but is OK in Edge and OK ish in IE. Mining to the pool seems OK.

Check out this guide This Guide. I get just above 2000 H/s per card at about 200w per hour power.