Under review

Is https://poolmining.org/pool/etn down for anyone else?

delone70 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5

ETN page stats down for me, the other coins pages look up ok.

Strange, page won't load in Chrome but is OK in Edge and OK ish in IE. Mining to the pool seems OK.

Under review

Do me a favor please:

  1. Post or send me your wallet address (info@poolmining.org)
  2. When experiencing the 404 in Chrome do not close the page. Press F12. Click on "Application" Tab. Click clear site data. Close the developer console. Reload.

That fixed it. Thanks. I'll e-mail you my wallet address.

A bug related to this was just fixed. Could you try again entering your wallet address on the pool.

All good now. Thanks.