Your comments

Which app? Which coin? Do you have Windows 64 bit?

Without more information, I doubt anyone can help you.

I really can't believe the number of whiners who come on these forums saying "I've been mining a whole 3 minutes and I haven't had a payout yet. What's wrong with your pool. It sucks.  ps can I have a refund".

Try learning something about the pool BEFORE you start whining. It might just stop you looking like a dick to the other miners on this pool. 

Either that or come mine XMR with us so that you can learn some patience......(only joking Oliver).


Repeated socket closed errors for me. Not mining. Same on XMR pool.

Repeated socket closed errors for me. Not mining. Same on BTCP pool.

As shown on your "My Stats" page, you have earned 0.00128 XMR on this pool. This is obviously considerably below the minimum payout of 0.1 XMR (see the "Pool Stats" tab for pool info).

With your hashrate, it could be some considerable time before you would get a payout. Are you sure your setup is profitable?

Oliver hat dir wahrscheinlich die beste Lösung gegeben. Es sieht so aus, als ob Sie nicht die einzige Person sind, die diesen Fehler hat.

Entschuldigung für meine schreckliche deutsche Höflichkeit von Google Translate.

Bitte benennen Sie Ihre aktuelle nvidia.txt in nvidiaold.txt um und führen Sie xmr-stak erneut aus. Dies wird eine neue nvidia.txt erstellen. Wenn das Problem nicht mehr auftritt, schlägt es vor, dass es sich nicht um die automatische Konfiguration handelt. Hast du die alte config.txt nicht gesichert?

Just in case no one else has, I've logged a ticket for Oliver to have a look.

Same here. And last block found is now 7 hours old and still at 0% status. I'm guessing one of the ETN daemons has stopped.


Yeah lots of tweaks, but worth the extra hashes. For the monitor, you only need one attached if you only have the Vega(s) or other AMD cards as your only video out. I originally used an HDMI emulator so I didn't have to keep a monitor connected but I use the iGPU now (onboard graphics) which has a DVI connector.

Once your current setup has bedded in and you are comfortable with it (good approach BTW, wish I'd done that ;-) ), you should definitely look into the under volting. I'm saving about 30% on the number of watts used with little impact on hashes.