Your comments

Don't recall this much time without finding a block. But its possible. Just in case any issues on pool side?



My wallet is  DPDPj1inT6bDMeogPwmAv5tyEErndVtF1c

Dashboard has been reporting 0 Hashrate and no miners for the whole day at least.

I don't see payments into my wallet for last block.

I am in Orlando, FL (US EST)

Can this problem be corrected ?? or should we go to some other pool?


Its been frequent in the last two days that the dashboard shows 0 Hashrate for my miners. Then it eventually switches to the failover. not sure if a problem, but it certainly its not working as it was working before the attack.

I just checked again and seems resolved as both dashboards seems to be showing the miners now.

Actually I notice same issue with the XVG  Blake2s dashboard , and the miners are also working.

Is this just a dashboard issue?

Its looking much better now. We just mined the third block and there was only one payment to my miner this time. Was also almost full. The difference is just 2.35%. I understand Oliver's response, yet I will assume that since it appears nobody else seems to be mining here but me this difference will eventually go to zero minus the fee. Off course if other people starts to mine again then things will become more complicated. But since this was just me for past 2-3 days I was trying to understand.

Thanks for the explanations and excellent support,


Yeah. It working!

What I don't clearly understand is the reward payment.

The block reward says to be 796.568 with total earnings of 742.67

I assume the difference is the pool fee? But that will be around 6%+ difference and fee in pool is documented at 0.75% , or what is the difference for?

Also I see in payments tab of this pool 3 payments. Mine 340.82263  and 2 other which I assume is other miners that contributed to the round before I started. Its just seems the payout to the other miners were too big.  Maybe its just because its first block and very little miners. I will assume that if my miner find another block now the majority of the reward will be for my miner.


Well I connected one S9. see how it goes.


It was like that for 15+ minutes. Now I rechecked and its reporting the hash rate as well.