Under review

Is the digibyte/sha-256 pool working?

estebansadyrodriguez 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 9

Is the digibyte/sha-256 pool working? 

I am interested in pointing a miner or two to this pool. I have good experience doing XVG with you, as such I want to try DGB but the pools does not seem to have found any block yet. Also hash rate is low. How much hashrate will be needed to find blocks regularly?



Every pool is working, its just that some have low hashrates

Low hashrate because there is only one miner for that pool.

To find a block:  (without luck, just pure math)

~15secs per block, 4 blocks in one minute, 240 in one hour, 5760 in one day

1/5760 = 1.736*10^-4

(1.736*10^-4) * (~30 PH/s network) = ~5 TH/s

It would require at least ~5 Th/s to get a block for that pool, right now there is only 1 th/s for that pool


since digi has multiple algorithms, this math might not be correct because it would be hard to find the network hashrate for only the sha-256 algorithm

Digi's webstie says "1.5 Minutes per algo"

Under review

Like Lord said, the pool is working but didn't attract miners yet.


Well I connected one S9. see how it goes.


First block found and paid, which should confirm its working.

Yeah. It working!

What I don't clearly understand is the reward payment.

The block reward says to be 796.568 with total earnings of 742.67

I assume the difference is the pool fee? But that will be around 6%+ difference and fee in pool is documented at 0.75% , or what is the difference for?

Also I see in payments tab of this pool 3 payments. Mine 340.82263  and 2 other which I assume is other miners that contributed to the round before I started. Its just seems the payout to the other miners were too big.  Maybe its just because its first block and very little miners. I will assume that if my miner find another block now the majority of the reward will be for my miner.


Very simple for these reasons:

  1. The first block effort was 98%. Which means, the pool did not hit the full PPLNS window during payout calculation, resulting in the leftover 2% remaining in the pools wallet undistributed. This can only happen for the very first couple blocks of a new pool. Normally I'd distribute the leftover block rewards manually to all miners who contributed to it but since the the amount was so tiny, I didn't do it this time.
  2. You should never try to directly correlate block rewards with payments. When payments are calculated miner rewards got into the pseudo-wallets maintained by the pool. For most blocks, the miner-wallets do not reach the pool's payout-limit and thus do not get transferred to the miner's real wallet, thus giving the impression that the pool kept it when it in fact didn't. This effect gets emphasized on pools with low hashrate where you have a high turnaround of miners joining, mining for a while, getting impatient and leaving forever. When the block is finally found, they get their cut but since the amount is so low their account stays below the payout limit, effectively locking those funds forever.

The payments tab only shows payments that were over the payout threshold, i think the "miner earnings" thing also goes by that logic. I think this is the reason why the reward and earnings dont match up with fee.

There could have been more people that mined but soon left, so they would have less than 10 DGB

The only way to really know is by looking at the logs, which only Oliver can do that

With your last question, it depends if the last person who mined had shares for a certain round (they would be counted towards the reward)(**FAQ reading, hard to describe). If not, then you get the whole block

Its looking much better now. We just mined the third block and there was only one payment to my miner this time. Was also almost full. The difference is just 2.35%. I understand Oliver's response, yet I will assume that since it appears nobody else seems to be mining here but me this difference will eventually go to zero minus the fee. Off course if other people starts to mine again then things will become more complicated. But since this was just me for past 2-3 days I was trying to understand.

Thanks for the explanations and excellent support,
