Your comments

I would put them in the more nvidia friendly algos... Lyra2Rev2 pools like MONA or VTC. However, cryptonight algos like XMR or ETN would also be fine. Avoid ETH though, since those cards will end up crippled with the small memory size... The remaining are ASIC pools, so, avoid them...

I got the same looks when I talk to other people... it's sad =(

Because, if it's looping, it's because the miner software is crashing, if it's crashing, it must be outputting some sort of error message...

But is it outputting any error message? If it is, can you share it here?

Try to remove the "@echo off" segment.

Try to run this in a command prompt at the folder where you've the miner:

.\sgminer -c sgminer-xmr.conf --gpu-reorder

And then tell me the output.

According to this guy, there may be an issue with SGMiner and Tahiti based GPUs (like the 7950):

Can you show us the error message please?

Well, Support said the issue is fixed, so I assume you can do it right away...

Well, last block was also found 6 days ago. In this pool, you receive for each block that it's found by the pool. Then 99.85% of the block reward is split by the miners according to their recent effort...