Your comments

I like this pool a lot and I really like the new improved dashboard - GOOD JOB!
But now, the situation with the orphaned blocks is back and it is really killing the dash pool. Something is very wrong and probably someone deliberately decided to ruin the pool. I'm mining with only one D3 and I can't afford to mine in this situation. I just switched it off. Will be back when this is fixed.

Meanwhile, may I kindly ask to receive my ballance: XgNxjbPmerZKPQCk5Lb55LNuCudY57f5TG

I'm also curious to know --->  How long is 3 blocks in minutes (or hours) usually?

I really hope the problem will be resolved soon.


I'm using this pool for about 2 weeks and I like it a lot (I'm new to mining). I've read all posts and I think there probably is some kind of a (software) problem with the pool. I use Antminer D3. I think I saw the beginning of the problem about 48 hours ago (26 Dec). At that time the pool just had completed 7 blocks for one day and all were green (< 100%). Then for the next ~14-18 hours there was not a single block found/completed. I think 14-18h is a long time...  Then the series of orphaned blocks began. I think this has to raise some attention.

I think the chances some of the D3s on this pool to be "hacked" are small, but not negligible. In the last 24 hours I switched to Antpool, then again here to see if there will be any difference (the orphaned blocks continued), and currently I'm on antpool again, because otherwise I will not be able to pay my electricity bill. 

Current configuration of my D3 is :  1st pool: Antpool ,  2nd - poolmining. , 3rd - antpool .  And at present moment I see the stats at both pools and my machine is hashing at both !  At Antpool it seems to be slightly under what normally shows there  and at poolmining  it is about 9Gh. Machine was switched to Antpool about 6 hours ago and there are no significant drops in antpool stats, but it hashes here too? This doesn't seem normal.