Under review

Orphan Dash blocks are back

Bandar 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 18

anyone on it ? 

Yeah, orphans again. Dash.

Maybe switch off miners?

We are the onle one who catched Orphanes today...

1st Unknown (short pool)

2nd China (34% Nethash)

3rd Europe (6% Nethash)

And the 4th 803126 is going to China... (Not online here yet... some minutes...)

I´m not really sure anymore that we are the only ones with orphans...

Wrong PC... and wrong location to check it better...

Under review

@Bandar: I've notified the Dash Team. Other than that there's nothing I can do.

They are up to it again. Notify the DASH Team and tell them about it.

The 5th 803154 is going to china again...

call me crazy but i see a pattern here ..... these orphan blocks again have dash which were mined with relatively lower effort... it almost like someone is stealing the low hanging fruit from us  (hint : the sneaky chinese )

803165... also China... but the smaller big-pool...


They are doing it again. DASH needs to do something about the Chinese Miners, something stinky is going on

I really like this pool but I don't think I can mine dash for a while until this exploit is fixed.  Is it possible for you to just pay me out now?  Wallet address is XkVCZQVLVtfLTC6fppieSanS7Z9QcGkJxW

I like this pool a lot and I really like the new improved dashboard - GOOD JOB!
But now, the situation with the orphaned blocks is back and it is really killing the dash pool. Something is very wrong and probably someone deliberately decided to ruin the pool. I'm mining with only one D3 and I can't afford to mine in this situation. I just switched it off. Will be back when this is fixed.

Meanwhile, may I kindly ask to receive my ballance: XgNxjbPmerZKPQCk5Lb55LNuCudY57f5TG

@Kalin: I don't think someone is targetting our pool specifically. The operation appears to be aimed at "everyone else". 

Quote from our Slack: looks like the guys at antpool/viabtc are at it again. 4 orphans in a row. Looked at the orphan profile and it appears that dash network gets a couple of orphans in a row, and there was a pattern with wallet XxHS6RDp1KfmtqRWjHBjzxzx1u7pypeJur appearing to be a beneficiary of the orphaning, in short order after block is spiked.. this wallet has  movements in and out which look pool like. The rapidity of the block generation means it is a big pool. Its building a reserve between payouts and generation quickly. I think bitmain are hiding some of their miners into a new pool, and using this pool as a raid on legit blocks, the same way they rejected blocks previously. The a-holes were able to sneak in a pair of orphans once every day or  couple of days, with no one really noticing, but then they appear to have gotten more greedy again. the sooner the chinese govt shut the feckers down the better

Funds sent in tx 94f8c4841f362ce06fdc11967cbb80895fa052cf6bab8b667934534740dbf2d6.

Looks like the 3 new blocks in the "status" pipeline are holding up. Fingers crossed.


They are ours.


How about everyone in the world joining our dash pool and then we take on these assholes .... i learnt a long time back never to trust the chinese and the only way to treat them is to give them a taste of their own medicine