Your comments

Did you change the font too? Somehow it looks crisp. Cheers.

Sounds like they're betting on mining on top of a stale block to create a longer chain. This would cause all (proper/fair) to switch to the longer chain. The block on the previous chain becomes orphaned. It explains why blocks show in pairs from a single miner. I'm sure it's a "bug" in that miner's code and no malice and greed are involved. Cough.

It's up now. Whatever happened seems to be resolved.

Please read the FAQ at It explains how payments work.

And just like that... 50 miners and well over 3 GH/s! Great news!

I had the same on the ETH pool. I'm not sure if this bug is fixed yet.

I mine about 20MH/s for at least 12 hours every weekday. I've done that since before block 4698923. Last Friday I was at 7.88T. This morning I found my shares reset to 0. I don't understand how that happened. Even the shares I got last Friday have already been pushed out? Even though the round wasn't that long with 41% effort?

Maybe I am totally misunderstanding the concepts, but I think this isn't supposed to happen.

I do appreciate the gesture but you taking time to support (even) the little guys is enough for me. I know it's hard to get a pool business of the ground. I do notice that the ETH pool is slowly but steadily growing. So cheers to that.

We've mined our first uncle a few hours ago but I don't see it on the pool site yet.