Your comments

13H/s ?  You're looking at less than 0.0007 XMR per week with ideal conditions.  And the minimum payout of 0.1XMR would take you about 143 weeks to get (again ideal conditions).

Electroneum is probably going to get you more regular payments (once blocks start to be found), but I doubt your returns are going to cover your electricity costs.

Sumokoin has only been more profitable over the past couple of days, due to a surge in value.

Poolmining is using cloudflare for DNS only.  The server (or plural) is hosted at Hetzner in Germany.  Once you've resolved the domain name to an IP address cloudflare is no longer used (unless another lookup needs to take place, which shouldn't be very frequent).

If you want to eliminate using cloudflare entirely you could add the IP to your hosts file, but if they change the DNS around here you will be pointing at the old IP - so isn't recommended.

Monero really isn't worth mining when you are getting under 1Kh/s, and is a long term commitment - this pool probably has the combination of lowest minimum payout and lowest fee, but you are looking at months before really being able to cash in on your returns, and with other pools with higher fees and larger min payout, you'll get a trickle of XMR but won't be able to cash it out for a few months as well.

I would seriously suggest looking at alternative cryptonight coins, personally I switch between Sumokoin and electroneum (looks like there should be an ETN pool here soon), whilst the returns might have less worth, you get them into your wallet sooner.

@Terry, 10 cores at 333 h/s, sounds rather low, my Ryzen 7 1700x using only 7 cores OC'd to 3675MHz gets up to around 440H/sec, but consistently averages over 360, whilst I am using it.  One thing I did find was that if you are using

Hyperthreading/SMT is making sure the miner is only using the actual core, as dividing the load between the HT/SMT and actual core makes the hashrate worse.

sgminer isn't optimised for Lyra2Rev2 for AMD cards, MKXMiner now supports standard pools so you should get better performance out of that.

What cards are you using to get 120Mh/s each? a single 1080ti can only do about 60-70Mh/s, and can't use the amd optimized miner yet, but I don't believe Vega 64 would bring in over 100Mh/s for a single card either.

Are you sure your 120Mh/s isn't the combined figure for both cards?

Just noticed on BCT that the author has said that they'll have a version that works on any pool within 48hrs.  So looks like it might not be needed - though TLS is always a good thing anyway :)


Forgot I might need to include that in the original request :)

PS: it's up to 42.55M now.

If I had 4 GTX 1080s, I would just mine both - just have two configs, one for mona and one for vert, and call it twice with the -c option to specify the config file, and -d to split your devices up (or set up "devices" in the config file).

Though I would more than likely spread the risk further and have 1 device per coin, and select a couple of other coins for the other new cards. :)

Have you tried using XMRminer here as well to see whether that helps increase your hashrate?

As for ports, looks like a typo in the documentation, but it's fine to use any of the ports, vardiff will auto adjust up or down to a difficulty level relevant for your hardware.

XMR has quite a high difficulty to mine nowadays, so smaller pools like this one can take over a month to find blocks (last one was found 11th November here).  So you really need to be in it for the long haul.