Your comments

I believe you need to add stratum+tcp:// to your login address

Here's a question worth asking (I know I know it's just luck)... 

If I take down my miners and exactly two days later I've got them back online will I lose much? I've got 528 T shares right now.. will I be pushed down to the lower payout bracket after being offline two days?

AND we got a block at 33%. Everything is fine! Okay I won't message to this thread anymore.

We got our ether block at 280% effort and it was an UNCLE! Anyway, we had really good luck for 8 blocks in a row so we have to accept that sometimes our luck is not good at all.

 Can we please get an ether block :(

Yeh it went back online real quick. Thanks. But now I'm starting to feel a little concerned about this coming block reward. Of course the difficulty must have been on an upward climb since ether started regaining value but, gee, it's at 8 days now. We were getting blocks every three days there for a while.

This is a great pool with lots of potential! :)

Ya I thought it had to do with my miner going off. It hurts because I had accumulated many T shares prior to temporarily losing half my hash rate. I don't think I like how this payment system can overly punish miners experiencing stability issues.

thanks 0xA6daf3F8664Acd6c4F67103Bf94142464Ab5F86E