Your comments

ok, so i can add a few miners from tonight? only on blake2s for the moment, to see iff all goes well? or you want me to go at least 50% of my total miners?

trust me when i tell you..i tryed so many verge pools that i dont even remember...this one i like the most, but sometimes....tooo many problems

hope all for the best now...i have minimum 500Gh waiting on LTC....if, and when i-l see the first payment, hope your servers can take the load :)

yeah...but i bet with you that you dont like suprnova also :)

i moved back a couple of miners, just to sniff around a litle bit :)..and see what will happend next.

hope for the best. i really like this pool, but aparently it doesnt like me :)

i.m moving back 10 miners, 5 from each wallet until tommorow..hope we-l have no problems

so what will happend with all the shares that i have in the pool now? 

in 2 days with 310Gh(with another 250Gh waiting) block...sry, i left...move back all on LTC

maybe is beacuse its a mixture of algoritms on verge curencies....meaning how the pool decides to alocate resources, wich resources(scrypt or blake2s...) i dont know...hope it wil recover...until then bye for me.

something is not right with all XVG....with all the hashpower i had in the Scrypt-pool, for almost 2 days, zero blocks found...i give up...