Your comments

Tired the site again this morning and none of the stat pages pull up data for me on mobile.  States 0 shares, 0 paid, 0 hashrate on both Dash and ETH.

Tried clearing cache and running in incognito mode, nada.  Just shows zero.  Mind you I'm using a mobile device, I'll check PC when I get home.

Try clearing your browser cache.

Let me see if I can round up some miners for BCH.  Currently, looking to buy more in the next batch, I have 2 S9s and 2 S7s.  Probably not enough for solo, but if we get enough peeps.

Here is my email, shoot me a message and I'll let you know when I get enough miners on board.  How much hash power would you think we will need to make it worth people switcting?

Fairly new to these waters, but not to mining in general.  I like what I see here, it's cozy.  Like what reddit used to be like before the hordes came.  I have more mining power available, currently only mining DASH here.  I could throw some more to ya.  I'll add my 500mh of ETH.  If ya'll could add BCH, I'll throw some hash power that way as well.  I know quite a few miners here in the Phoenix area, I'll spread the word.  

If you like, I could get you some airtime or maybe some promo mentions with some youtubers and/or LRN.

Edit: Miners pointed.  Let's make some ETH!