Your comments

Hash rate and worker are visible once again on the website.

I'll second that, it is alarming.
Hashrate displays as 0 on the web page.
When I have a look on my miner's GUI it reports as running on full hash rate.


Sorry for not reading posts about the current situation first..
Blocks seemed to have been found and being worked on.

Thx for the investigarion, Oliver, I got the payment, yes, since that balance has been zero.


It's still the same for around 20 hours now.


something similar is happening again.

My balance is stalled at 0.03 Dash for around 12 hours. 

It used to increase way more often than that.

Currently there are more than enough blocks for the pool/miner to work on.

Am I worrying too much?

What might be the root cause?

Yes, so it did.


I was a bit worried about the 16 hours hiatus.

Still, this is the first time it happened for 1,5 months.