Under review

Dash mining - my balance stopped growing since the last payout (16 hrs ago)

gabemiller832 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 9

Hey guys, 

my balance stopped growing since the last payout (16 hrs ago).

I checked, there are blocks the pool is working on, so I don't really understand.

Could you please check it for me?


Address is


The block(s) need to be 100% confirmed before your balance can grow...

Still, this is the first time it happened for 1,5 months.

Under review

core.log:[2018-01-25 21:24:18.3925] [I] [PPLNS] Adding 0.00315 DASH to balance of XvjfUFcBpvPp1833Y8dMbKwpckjmrLA4nw for 114.87 K (114871.272998519) shares for block 810135

Your balance increased by 0.00315 roughly 20 minutes ago.

Yes, so it did.


I was a bit worried about the 16 hours hiatus.


A block with 436% effort... and a day is nearly over... ;-)


something similar is happening again.

My balance is stalled at 0.03 Dash for around 12 hours. 

It used to increase way more often than that.

Currently there are more than enough blocks for the pool/miner to work on.

Am I worrying too much?

What might be the root cause?


It's still the same for around 20 hours now.

@gabe: I can confirm that the balance displayed for your account was indeed stale for some reason. I suspect a caching issue here and I'm currently investigating the possible cause. The good news is your balance in the database increased exactly as supposed to and was just paid to your wallet (0.0363 DASH).

Thx for the investigarion, Oliver, I got the payment, yes, since that balance has been zero.