Your comments

+10 happyserendipity!  Luck will come, let's try growing this great supported pool! 

I've been mining for more than 3hs, and this is the result:

EC - Total Speed: 1869.328 H/s, Total Shares: 708, Rejected: 2, Time: 02:44
ZEC: GPU0 311.166 H/s, GPU1 309.906 H/s, GPU2 308.982 H/s, GPU3 313.001 H/s, GPU4 313.677 H/s, GPU5 312.595 H/s

I think it's ok now.  Can someone else submit their statistics?

Thanks again!

Thanks for your prompt reply!  Its great to have someone like you who always helps!

Yes, its going faster now (I changed the port).  I will leave it working for a couple hours to see how it goes and get back to you with the results.

Thanks again!

That's really weird from their side.... 

Good news!  I will give it a try! 

You could contact the dev team so they can include your pool on their offical web site, and probably get more miners.

Good job!

Wow!  You had a nice week :)  Thanks again for the explanation, and sorry for the DDos attack... maybe some other pool hires hackers to do this....   You never know.  I really like your pool and I'm willing it will grow.  

Keep up the good work!

OK!  One more thing, in Simplemining OS, the wallet address goes without the "0x" in the begining (you define it in a variable named $walletETH), that's why I have to add it manually before the -ewal parameter.

I'm the owner of the company :)  It's no problem at all, I like your pool and would like to see it grow. 

Let me know if you are interested and send me an email, I will tell you what texts and fields we need to be fulfilled to setup a campaign.
