Under review

BTG pool error message using Claymore v12.6

tanolokko 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5


I started to use the newly created BTG pool and I get this error:

ZEC: Stratum - connecting to 'btg.poolmining.org' <> port 3047
ZEC: Stratum - Connected (btg.poolmining.org:3047) (unsecure)
"-allpools" option is set, default pools can be used for devfee, check "Readme" file for details.
Watchdog enabled
Remote management (READ-ONLY MODE) is enabled on port 3333

ZEC: Authorized
Pool sets new share target: 0x0000147a (diff: 819200H)
ZEC: Received error: {"error":{"code":20,"message":"Unsupportedrequestmining.extranonce.subscribe","data":null},"id":5}
ZEC: 11/14/17-12:36:11 - New job from btg.poolmining.org:3047
ZEC - Total Speed: 1874.355 H/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
ZEC: GPU0 309.422 H/s, GPU1 322.481 H/s, GPU2 313.678 H/s, GPU3 304.710 H/s, GPU4 308.713 H/s, GPU5 315.352 H/s
ZEC: 11/14/17-12:36:14 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 4)
ZEC: Share accepted (59 ms)!
GPU0 t=49C fan=40%, GPU1 t=57C fan=40%, GPU2 t=53C fan=40%, GPU3 t=56C fan=40%, GPU4 t=57C fan=40%, GPU5 t=58C fan=40%

I use SMOS and Claymore v12.6.

After this, the miner keeps working, but it's very slow compared to other pools I tried.   It takes more than one minute to find a share, sometimes more.  Is this normal?


Under review

The message about mining.extranonce.subscribe not being supported is harmless. It's about an optional stratum message that pools are not required to implement.

The issue with finding shares could be attributed to the stratum difficulty of port 3047. I suggest connecting to port 3046 which supports a much lower minimum difficulty BUT like all ports on all ports an unlimited maximum difficulty. The vardiff algorithm will adjust the difficulty until your miner submits shares with the optimal interval.

Did my suggestion work for you?


Thanks for your prompt reply!  Its great to have someone like you who always helps!

Yes, its going faster now (I changed the port).  I will leave it working for a couple hours to see how it goes and get back to you with the results.

Thanks again!

You're welcome :-)


I've been mining for more than 3hs, and this is the result:

EC - Total Speed: 1869.328 H/s, Total Shares: 708, Rejected: 2, Time: 02:44
ZEC: GPU0 311.166 H/s, GPU1 309.906 H/s, GPU2 308.982 H/s, GPU3 313.001 H/s, GPU4 313.677 H/s, GPU5 312.595 H/s

I think it's ok now.  Can someone else submit their statistics?

Thanks again!