Your comments

Lets buy our Poolmining support a beer!!!  Great job!!!

See links below... i know since the Nicehash hack we are ALL on guard... but relax people.. you cant mine if there is a code problem with the Dash upgraded  I do believe with Antpoopoo they hide their orphans... god forbid they actually show all of their efforts are for nothing...  Only thing i could think of doing is if the admins here were to put up another X11 coin or a multipool of sorts so that we do in fact not lose our miners profitability.  "In Crisis your true leaders rise to the top"

see below for your reading pleasure......

How is there now a reward for an Orphan???  Does that make sense?!!?  Sorry with Nicehash going down a month ago i am just ultranervous!!

Since we had so many Orphans do we mine else where until this problem is fixed??  I hate to be wasting money on this..... thoughts??