Your comments

Something going wrong with you?!

Go back to school...

Learn math...

Start mining...

Hey people... 6 days ago I said Thank You tou our LTC - Pool because I was 6 days without mining there and got a correct payment for 4 days mining...

And now I want to give the Pool a little present back... :-)

My overclocked L3+ found our newest block... I´m really proud... ;-)

Everybody with a D3 has bought some BS... Believe me - your not alone...

This pool is OK... if a pool has an issue then the D3s manufacturer own pool... the antpool... ;-)

This was the first block today I watched from the 1st second... Confirmation speed and quantity for the fee transaction of this block is slow... not so slow like three days ago but much slower than yesterday...

797068 - it´s our... I´m sure... :-)

OK, one detail is simmilar to the situation 3 days ago and different to most other orphan periods... Every two orphanes on the blockchain we can see as couples - because the second orphan has same time stamp but only +1 block height... A "regular" orphan has two blocks with same height and time but followed by a regular higher block with also higher time stamp. Two regular follwing orphans with same time stamp I can´t find... only with different time stamps...

Fuck... difficult to explain this understandable... ?!?

IF (I don´t believe really) these are 4 legal orphanes then it´s simple math that 2 going to antpool, one to viabtc and the last to a "nobody" like us... nearly 3/4 of x11 hashingpower is located at this two companys - or much to much wordwide ASIC miners are connecting their power with these chinese pools.

It´s up to us private and small business miners to look which currencies have democratic concepts (gpu ram harddisk POS) and to ignore the currencies which can be killed easy by cheap electricity and ASICs...

5 years ago nobody believes in the future power of a bitcoin...

Today nobody believes which power other currency concepts will have in 5 years... ?!

If we have one more orphane in the following 12h I try to cancel my work for a day...

This was the 4th dash orphan today...

1st and 2nd going to antpool

3rd to ViaBTC

And the 4th (our) is going to a "nobody" who mines less than our pool. His last recievment was on 12/22/17...

I have an idea how to make a good alert and monitoring system... but I have no time to write such a tool the next time... :-(

Yes... or minimun over a period of 3 block... otherwise you will loose hashing power...