
the pool is good with good UI but I think you should mine for other big pools first

AlexV 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 5

the pool is good with good UI but I think you should mine for other big pools first.

It's a total luck this pool finding a block - too small yet. Mine for another free pool and when you have a good hashrate try mining solo.


Something going wrong with you?!

Go back to school...

Learn math...

Start mining...

thumps up...best advice ever.... LOL

way tooo much oxygen for AlexV in the new year.......

Under review

How ironic this post comes the day after the pool paid out 30000€ in a single transaction.

Yeah, dash might be ok, however many coins missing and the new ones like vert, mona and etn have very low hashrate - so this is just an idea on how to boost new coins and not get crazy efforts for a block. Implement multipool, implement more coins and algos etc. OK, I sit on learning the math aspects of mining again - I might be wrong :)

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