Your comments

is it possible to have a manual payout so we could choose our own payout with a sliding scale fee , the way we've been hitting blocks last 24 hrs I'd settle for 0.5  

 one of my two eth miners keeps rebooting . how is that going to effect my share balance and pay when we get a block? 

i'll bet those D3s will fit real easy

home page click on pool that your mining, click my stats .I had to open home page with Google as internet explorer wouldn't work

can anyone tell me why my 1060 3g cards are mining eth just fine

more gpu's on the way

I'm new to this stuff , however I can see there are things that can be controlled by the pool operators , we the miners just got to ride it out and take the good and the bad

a lot of miners on smaller pools got the shaft with what happened this past week . it wasn't the pools fault, look somewhere else to vent . maybe wait until all the facts are in before you start making an ass of yourself 

i got paid when I got to the payout amount , I think that you just don't understand the way this pool and others like it pay

never mind ok now