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First, a second Wow this morning: very fast response for my question!

Okay, a short resume what i understand until now - surely not accurate, but i want to see the big picture:
  • a block is divided in pieces of shares with different difficulties (--> ??)
  • each miners run to get a "solution" on his share and returned it
  • PPLNS go to all the returned shares at time X (= the block found ?) and calculate the reward as described

=> Because there is no known value how many shares needed to complete the block and who found the share first on the way the complete the block and so on, no one can give me an more "absolute value" to compare my 5 T shares at this moment.

So the only way to get it is to wait until time X and see how big the reward was... did i got it?

WOW... I've now over 5 Trillion "shares"... 
Okay i'm a Newbie - but this value has no relation for me :-/
Where (how) can i get a more "absolute" value for me how much 5 Trillion is?

I've read payout section, but ... i see (maybe TomatoesOnEyes) no relation between the 5 Trillion and a target value. 

If this is not the right thread for that question... sorry... a short notice where i found more information will help me a lot, or some helpful keywords for google-search.