Your comments

It doesn't helps if you do address.ToLower() before output. But that's not important bug.

Missing blocks info is more annoying. Now if you want to see when last block been found you need to do many clicks and load separate page. All in one page been nice.

Please add info about mined blocks to the "account" page somewhere. To the right of chart for example.

And anchor at .pool-title makes no sense.

According to whattomine for cryptonight profitability sumokoin seems to be x2 more profitable than ETN. Next one is KRB.

Good job on recovering funds.

But sounds like we are an alpha testers or QA department. And that is a paid job ^_^

I bet devs can take out full blocks out of pipeline into their pocket and don't show em in statistics. No guarantees there were no blocks found in 20hrs.