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Did we have a drop in pool hash?

Hey Oliver!

Just curious, we seem to have not have a payout since a couple of days back. Is it just me or something else?

I see as of writing I only got 2.300M shares since. That indicates I only mined 100K shares since yesterday while I average around 3.5M-ish shares on a 24-hour span :(

Sad life.

Anyway, care to share what happened?

Hey Oliver, the link you gave regarding monero says pool was taken down, do you mean dash pool is down as well?

Hi, thanks for the references, I will give it a good time reading.

Anyway, this leaves us with one issue where since around 16 hours ago, my dashboard appeared empty while my miners were hashing.

Apologies for the accounting issue as I have surely missed those documentations. Should I return the 0,1Dash for the inconvenience?

Hello Oliver, thanks for the compensation, though it was not my intention to actually be outrightly compensated. I am more interested in providing objective feedback to help you stabilize your pool - which I love by the way.

I understand the balance sheet statement on its plain and simple purpose.

Allow me to provide an example - and this is based on my memory for the past 24 hours.

Around 20 hours ago, my dashboard's statement does not have this entry:


20 hours ago +0.00976 Reward for 455.6 K shares for block 942744


While on the right side of the dashboard that now says "Shares 816.324 K" had 3M shares.

If I deduct the 455.6 K in the statement when balance was paid, I should still have 2.5M+ shares in the dashboard.

Which, surprisingly when I checked around 12hours ago went to a mere sub 700K shares.

700K+455K does not add up to 3M shares.

This could be a bug, I don't know but I hope. Because if it were not, it spells a negative image.

Note: I noticed some accounting issues since the 12.3 or was it 12.03 update on the Dash system thing.

Edit: Added note.

@Oliver this is my wallet: XpGajqnMbAr96ArdQbA6Zk7MrjKidtYmmV

Also, I am certain that they are pointed to coinfoundry, in fact, just now I saw the dashboard and it is now showing my rig. I have been observing randomly in the past few days (spanning at least 10 days) that my shares disappear every after a compensation was made.

@Oliver is there a problem with the dashboard? My D3s are hashing but the dashboard shows no activity since 18 hours ago.

I doubt downgrading is an option.