Your comments

I am having issues with the new XMR-Stak crashing as well... May have to switch to XMR Rig as well... do you by any chance know if you can run multiple threads on AMD GPUS on XMR Rig? I am running 2 threads on each gpu on SMR Stak, with modified bios on each GPU, they were working flawlessly before the Fork and Program Update

agreed.... still going full speed! I don't panic and jump ship as the first sight of issues. I let Minergate skim about 60% of my hashrates for about 3 months. lol. I can wait patiently a couple days.

exact same issue here... wondering if I am burning electricity for nothing right now.... 

I added about 4k hash to the pool in past couple days and hopefully another 4-5k next week, every little bit helps