Your comments

Hi Paul,

 I set up my rig using a few videos from Youtube. There are quite a few good ones. But as retnuh mention the real key is using pci express risers. The other stuff for most part will be similar to setting up a new pc but with loooots of GPUs ;)

I'm not sure what you mean by transfer balance though Paul, as long as you use the same monero address or even monero address with a work id, there will be no loss of balance or shares that are already earnt.

So you can see up you new mining rig with a work id. Below is how I've set up my two machines to use the same monero address.

For example, my monero address is use is

** DO NOT use these addresses it's just an EXAMPLE (use your own address when you mine)


so I have 2 machines, one i've called april, the other beatrix

So I can use


and on my second machine


Adrenaline version 18.4.1 - Released April 26th, 2018

Also seems I can turn my monitor off without loss of hash rate

No way!!!!! We found a block?? holy cow 777%. Congrats everyone who stayed the course.

Do pools or miners in general get any penalty for submitting bad hashes for Monero?


  If you are using a precompile executable, you'll be stuck with 2% donation

The *only way* is to modify the source code and recompile (the first time will be a pain in the rear to set everything up)

It'll be in donate-level.hpp (scroll to bottom of page)

*I still see disconnection or connection refusals quite often, so I think something is still going on so will need to search the rest of the code to see what exactly is going on with this donation level variable.

They probably aren't keeping up with the news and having their rig stashed away and just haven't attended to in forever.

One thing Oliver, on the homepage under Monero it says Crytonight as the algorithm and technically it probably still is but maybe change the algorithm to Monero 7 or whatever the new one is.

Probably not a big thing but might help?

Thanks Rook, as it turns out your were right I had not set currency to Monero7.

Some -1 me :( I did ask if I was doing something not obvious.

I checked getmonero page, even front page on this site, most sites still Cryptonight.