Under review

Monero blocks and the magic of time travel

Oliver 6 years ago updated by Stanislav Subashev 6 years ago 7

Looks like the pool managed to travel back in time and mine the last block again, unlocking a bonus reward for the stubborn persistence of our Monero miners. Creative little bastard.

you noticed that too lol

Under review

Okay, since so many people apparently didn't get it: I artificially created the block clone to reward the miners with a bonus paid from my own pocket (2.5 XMR), because the ass-long round resulted in frustratingly low payouts for the loyal miners sticking with the pool through that period of darkness. In addition I've just ordered a 1 MHash/sec boost at Nicehash for the next three hours for another 200€. I hope it helps.


Oliver I am glad you are not closing the Monero pool.  And thank you for the extra XMR (and cash for Nicehash).

Thank you Oliver!