Under review

Missing Monero Payment...

SPLDust 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

Hey there Oliver... I am missing my monero payment from yesterdays block, should be in the amount of 0.18930 XMR for 48ZxFxTBFTRNZETCbrm2PsLGweo4uSEM6764Nynp1Zmq5EiwasA3j2VY3SJoynBoje2VT2Abea7Yr5zPsXs7RhyYJ9JBie4  

The other payments went through in a couple hours.

Under review

Please check your wallet for sync issues. Once the a transaction has completed the coins are no longer in the pool's possession.This morning's payment was atomic which means all recipients received their funds in a single big transfer that was 100% successful.

I did notice my wallet was offline during the transfer, does that mean I lost them? it is synced now


No of course not. The blockchain always holds the complete history.