Monero CPU mining on multiple computers

petras ezys 6 years ago updated by Im TheLordOfGames 6 years ago 1


Need advice as I started mining just couple days ago :)

I have multiple Linux computers. Mining Monero.

I downloaded blockchain file (./.bitmonero/lmdb/data.mdb), launched CLI wallet and ./minerd in one computer (say Computer A).

Do I need run Monero deamon (./monerod) on other Linux computers as well (say Computer B, Computer C, etc.)?


It is just enough to launch "./minerd -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://pool.minexmr.com:4444 -u WALLET_ADDRESS_HERE -p x -t 3" an the rest of computers (say Computer B, Computer C, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.

A much simpler setup would to run xmrig on your linux computers (since xmrig was made in and supports linux)

Oliver(owner of pool) also has a setup support on the monero page

However if you still want to go the way you are going, read below:

I just download the cli and started to mine without the daemon, it gave errors that the daemon wasnt started.

So unless you found out by yourself already.

I assume you are mining using the command line client from info given

You will need to run the daemon on the other computers (unless you can somehow link the computers together to run/recognize the daemon on the first computer)

If you dont want to redownload the whole blockchain again for the other computers, i would advise to connect to a node

For nodes: https://moneroworld.com/