
Website down - 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.10.3

Andrew Bryan 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 10

The website is down. I am getting 

504 Gateway Time-out




The website is down today. get an 504

The website is again down.. 504 is the last time frequently down


Already working on it.

And finally found the reason for the frequent outages.

Hi, I just found CF yesterday and joined in, mining Mona for a day now unstopped.

Today I reached like 4200+ shared when the client suddenly stopped and I had to exit and restart. Does it mean I lost any credit in terms of loyality or restarting the client doesn't have any effect when the payouts are being calculated? I don't quite see how 'hoppers' are being filtered and I wouldn't like to seem like one by the system as a result of exiting the client. Thanks for any answers, I suppose the question demonstrates my level of expertees.

PS. if there's any pool that could better use my gear please tell me and I will switch once the next Mona is found. I have a 6x1080ti rig ready for the task.


David,  you have to make a new ticket.. for this question. admin will respond..

Closing this as I believe the issue is resolved.

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