Socket Error- ETN?

LordIkka 6 years ago updated by Im TheLordOfGames 6 years ago 7

Trying to connect to the 3013 pool, getting nothing but continual socket errors.

pools.text- using monero7

"pool_list" :
    {"pool_address" : "etn.coinfoundry.org:3013", "wallet_address" : "etnk5MP8UUGGLGMdDFHCteQmQrNJttxsFF5hztRPXxTk8ba2bQqxRpML3c1TEAZHg2ENX7A6MGKAqJkrWCPxZgCE3BkSZoArct", "rig_id" : "", "pool_password" : "", "use_nicehash" : false, "use_tls" : false, "tls_fingerprint" : "", "pool_weight" : 1 },


Error message-

[2018-03-29 17:06:55] : Fast-connecting to etn.coinfoundry.org:3013 pool ...
[2018-03-29 17:07:16] : SOCKET ERROR - [etn.coinfoundry.org:3013] CONNECT error: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

You're not alone. I'm getting it as well.

xmr stak github it says "Native support for different cryptonight forks"

try to use it without the "monero7", do it instead with the "electroneum"

ETN has yet to change their blockchain to be asic resistant (therefore the pool hasnt updated to be asic resistant)

use "monero7" only for the new monero fork

Just tried that, still getting the same socket error.

The old software seems to be working ok. Xmr-stak-cpu and CCminer both on port 3102 seem to be fine. Is that a typo in your line though? Is it 3103 for GPU/mid-hashrate?


Breakfast is correct, use 3103 as the port

3013 is not a port

hi ...help me please the ETN pool site  not open ! now is to days . what is happen ? ihave 57 etncoins how can I return it? help please.

Actually read before posting questions.

The ETN pool has been shutdown by Oliver

You should have been paid because he made the payout minimum really low.

Please read: 


Before posting any more questions

Whether he chooses to bring it back up is up is his choice, so dont ask