Under review

Switching wallets - what do you with remaining amount in pool

Mul Vak 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

I'm new to mining and have been mining into online wallets generally speaking.  Now that I am learning more, I've found that I want my coin in a local wallet.  Currently my XMR is going to a wallet on freewallet.  I'm changing around the fork to a moneruju wallet. 

So as far as pool mining goes, once I get the next payout, what do I do with any remaining balance that is lower than the payout threshold?  What do you all do when you switch wallets? 

For example, say payout is at 0.1 XMR, I mine to 0.11 XMR.  If that leaves the .01 XMR in my pool balance do I keep mining to try to hit an even payout number or something else?

I realize we are talking small amounts but hey, it all adds up.  I am fine donating it as well, just need to know how to do that.


Under review

That's no problem at all. Once you make the switch drop me a line at contact@coinfoundry.org or open a private ticket here. Include your old wallet address and the new one and I will migrate all of your data including balance, shares and balance history to the new wallet.

By the way, with the fork coming up April 30.  Do you have any recommendations for wallets or anything else for that and mining on your pool?  Thanks again.

I read this and answered it:


Oh that is awesome thanks!  I might do it ahead of time then.