Ethereum Payout On Average

Ryan Berkeley 6 years ago updated by happyserendipity 6 years ago 1

I just recently started mining on your Ethereum pool. My stats show the following:

Shares 2.277

I've been mining for some days now. On average, when does this balance update and when would the payout go?


Rewards are always distributed when a block is found by the pool. It is impossible to tell you when this is expected, as the hash-rate varies, and Ethereum difficulty is on a constant rise. We found the last block 4 days ago, the one before 14 days ago, the one before 20 days ago. Judging by that, you could say that recently we land a block every 6-10days. This doesn't mean that you should expect a block to be found in the next 2-6 days, it can be found next minute, or we might even have to wait 2 weeks. The payouts go out when you reach the minimum threshold.