
Xvg scrypt pool?

Mathias Abels 6 years ago updated by gabineagu 6 years ago 9

Give it a scrypt pool for XVG or can you make a new scrypt pool for it? Because i think that pool/ 

Community is the best of all other pools.

Under review

Thanks for your kind words. I've already thought about converting our under performing XVG-Lyra pool to Scrypt. 

Will it go fast to change the Algorithmus from the old to scrypt? In which time will it work?

The change could happen pretty quickly (an hour). Is there anyone else interested in a Verge Scrypt Pool?

iam think its a lot of people because the l3+ from bitmain is a scrypt miner with a good performance. And the most pools doesnt work or the pool for xvg is another Algorithm.

The XVG-Lyra pool is a bit sad.  :(    

I'm like the only one mining in there, and one other person mining with a CPU.

Don't worry. IF the Verge Lyra switches the PoW algorithm you'll get compensated of course.


The Verge Lyra Pool has been abandoned by miners and was therefore converted to a Verge-Scrypt ASIC Pool. All existing shares have been retained and upgraded to the new default difficulty of the Pool to allow previous miners to profit from the first mined block.

Yea, I switched to your Mona pool.   Thx for update.

Hello, in the last few months i was your top miner in the XVG-blake2s pool. not all was great, but acceptable. Please help me now in the XVG-Scrypt pool, beacuse i see no payments. The 2 mners i control are as follows:



 if you dont belive me just reply to my mesage and tell me to move from the pool.

Hope to have a fast responce from you.
