Under review

ZCL shares to BTCP migration: Need your wallet addresses

Oliver 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5

Even though the migration from all of your shares from the ZCL pool to the new BTCP has happened, I simply forgot that your wallets need to be also migrated otherwise your payments will go the way of dodo (guess I need more sleep). Please post your old ZCL wallet and your new BTCP wallet in this thread ASAP.

Use the following form:

ZCL: <old wallet>

BTCP: <new wallet>

ZCL: t1JDJiVGfVNDKuFpLgD66s9EdHFmSns6B5u

BTCP: b17Hxgis3grJxYu9vcWerJZgV1BniTkh1DD

Had nothing in wallet, just 11 days of shares.

ZCL: t1db2oUE7DN9Vg7UZKRQU6E2sCUqY2FL2js

BTCP: b1FMogUzN9dYdxody8T6Ru3zZrYuo7bLtor

Under review

Migrated both wallets. Other former ZCL shares for which wallets weren't reported here in time had to be deleted because the invalid addresses would mess up the entire payment process for BTCP now that we've hit the first block.

I still have no credit for my shares. 

I can confirm this. The migrated ZCL shares were obviously the oldest (mined before the pool even existed) therefore they were the first to get discarded when the round for the first BTCP block (> 200% effort) crossed the 100% boundary. In short the compensation did not work out as planned. If you have an ETH or Dash wallet, write an email to contact@coinfoundry.org and we'll work something out. Same apples to iihutch.