Under review

Monacoin miners should join VTC pool until block reward halving in Dec

r-squared 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 11

Just an idea to help maximize pool reward payout before it goes down from 50 VTC to 25. 

Switching now, thanks for the heads up.

i'm not home at the moment but in 2 days i will  switch to mona... I just bought 15 mona coin

Better if you buy and mine  mona if you want the price to go up 

If we mine to the pool now, we get our share of the 50 coin award, only if the pool finds a block before the halvening.

Seeing that poolmining.org has apparently never found a VTC block, and hasn't found a Mona block for over two weeks,  I have some doubt whether a VTC block will be found before the December halvening.

Maybe the vert miners should just mine mona instead.  We increase our odds of getting anything from Lyra2rev.  We seemed to be getting blocks every 2 days when we were above 1000.  Vert's difficulty is probably too high because it's a very popular coin right now.

Especially since monaparty, mona's token network, is going on line in 10 days.  Should be a price spike.

If I switch from Mona now will I still get some reward for my efforts (24 hours or so) if a mona block is found? I'm new to mining but and haven't seen this payout system before.

Under review

You mean switch to Mona?

From Mona to VTC as suggested above

Technically it would be no problem to migrate all shares from one pool to another in order to not lose your work done on the other pool. If anyone would like to have that done just post your wallet address or email it to info@poolmining.org

Hello. I started mining with one ethereum address but then switched to a new one. I am afraid I will lose my shares for the address I no longer mine on. Would you consider migrating my shares over to my new address? My email address is jim.rodney.m@gmail.com

Not a problem at all. Just email old and new address to info@poolmining.org and they will get migrated.