Under review

screwed by windows

rasteen 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

i know this is not coin foundry's problem but windows defender updated and is blocking miner . i tried excluding file and folder and that didn't help . any ideas from anyone . got two miners down and don't want to go back to nicehash , it seems to work just fine ?

Under review

Are you sure that you really excluded the folder? Can you double-check? I'm asking because white-listing my "miners" folder appears to be working fine for me (Windows 10 Fall Creators Update). Did you try white-listing the folder and re-downloading the miner directly into that folder?


ya it is in the exclusion list reinstalled miner still not working , down to 2 miners from 5 , i'm now going to smos , i'll most likely be back for help  , wish me luck , i'm not a computer wiz

I had to work fast last time that happened to me. I disabled all Defender modes, copied the files over quick, then whitelisted the main exe file as fast as possible before the live scanner enabled itself again. Defender is fiercer than some viruses I've seen lol.

seems like excluding it once should be enough . I'm through with this windows crap. I think the last time this happened I reinstalled windows to allow the miner however I'm not going to reinstall windows on 5 machines just to do it again in a couple months . I'm going to try smos . I had to care for my grandmother and now have time .I'm down to 1, my smallest miner, 80mh and got to get these going as they help pay for some of my grandmothers home care.  peace