Under review

XVG Pool

Pavel 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 1

Something is wrong with XVG pool. its not showing current stats. also block should of been found a long time ago at the hash rate it had. can you see what is wrong with it. Thanks.

Under review

You were right Pavel. Someting was indeed wrong. Upon inspecting the logs I've discovered that both Verge pools actually found a couple blocks throughout the night which were rejected by the daemon. I've updated the pool code to prevent this from happening for future blocks. I'm pretty confident that the problem has been identified. The pool has mistaken the coin as a proof-of-work coin when in fact mining requires to pool to operate in proof-of-state / proof-of-work hybrid mode.

I've spent the entire day fixing the pool code which was quite difficult given that there's no real documentation or example pool code for Verge.