
Is there a withdrawal fee?

David Strohmayer 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 9

I read the FAQ and looked for that info on this website but didn't find it. So do i have to pay a fee when the withdrawal happens? I kind of can't believe that there is no fee...

Under review

Are you referring to custom withdrawals for amounts below the payout limit?

No, i'm talking about the default withdrawal to my wallet. Sorry if i get something wrong here but for example at Dwarfpool you have a 1,5% fee and then if you reach a specific amount, a autowithdrawal is initiated and that withdrawal has a fee of 0,008 XMR


Well technically it's not a withdrawal since the pool actively pushes the balance to your wallet once you reach the payout limit. There's no fee deducted from your balance when the pool sends it.

Alright! Thank you for the information

BTW: Do i have to close this thread or something like this? GitHub style or is this like a forum?

Nope, @Oliver will close it.

Whatever pleases you but yeah, closing it might not be a bad idea.

Then the question is, how to close?

And that's actually a good question :-)