Not a bug

Lots of disconnects

Carharttguy 7 years ago updated by Vadim Ru 6 years ago 4


I'm getting a lot of disconnects, like once every 2-3 minutes. Connection always reestablishes after 5 seconds, but it seems odd to me. Also, does this affect my result?



Not a bug

May I ask which pool you are mining on using which miner and version?

Not a bug

May I ask which pool you are mining on using which miner and version?

I too have been getting somel "socket error - Receive Errors" which disconnects me from the pool, and then it reconnects on it's next attempt to connect 10 seconds later.  I'm using XMR-STAK on port 3033.  I wouldn't say the disconnects are not that frequent but  more sporadic than anything but I've usually seen a couple follow each other a couple minutes apart and then it seems to be working fine again until the next time.  Doesn't seem to affect much to me other than some time lost.

Those disconnects you've seen a couple minutes ago where caused by a quick update to the pool software. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Im having the same issue using an ASIC D3 and L3 shows your connection is always dead and switches me to my next configured pool. Is there a limit how many you can connect ?