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High ping 150+ms, oh crap, my bad, should I be mining here

MinerOfMonero 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 5

I just noticed I have a very high ping to this mining pool, over 150ms.  I read, find a small pool and join it when I started mining a month or so ago, so that is what I did.  I am in the US, server is in Germany isnt it???

Am I causing issues having a high ping to the pool.   What is the down side to me having a high ping time?  

With an antminer D3 actual 38ms...


France DSL -> VPN (Netherlands) -> dash.coinfoundry.org

and without VPN from Belgium 21ms...

Your problem isn´t everybodys problem...

I did not say it was anybodies problem other than my ping to the pool...  Perhaps I did not make myself clear.  I am in the USA, I think the server is in Germany.  I am wondering if I am causing an issue (for the pool or myself) since my ping is so high.  I did not mean to make it sound like it is a problem with the pool.

Higher pings doesn´t have a big impact. With a good difficulty setting jobs will transfered only every 1-2 minutes. Jobs have 1k - 2k Bytes.Needed netpower for mining is much lower than for gaming...

I have older CPU's mining from 25-200 H/s of Monero (total 1.5KH/s).  So I am doing low difficulty.  Would be nice to have better equipment.  But a bunch of old laptops is what I have lol...  I just did not want to cause an issue for pool.  I like the pool, have been making a little XMR in trade for lots of electric usage lol...  Electric is cheap here though (.06 cents per KWH).

Under review

Latency only becomes a problem if it results in lots of stale/rejected shares. You should monitor your rig and only IF that's the case decide if its worth moving to pool geographically located closer to you.