Will be answered


Trixxxxen 6 years ago updated by happyserendipity 6 years ago 3


i started mining with my gtx 1070 yesterday. everything works fine until midnight and the server down time. today for a short period i reached 24 Mh/s on the website, quite a litte below the hasrate shown at ethminer, app. 28, but not that bad. since 20 pm the website shows 13Mh/s, ethminer still the same hasrate

whats the reason?

Will be answered

The hashrate displayed on mining pools is an approximation based on your shares. The rate displayed by your miner is always the correct one.

i tried out claymore, the rates matches here. why not with ethminer?

i mean in the end it´s all about the shares and if the calculatet hasrate is based on the shares, something is wrong.


I've been mining with ethminer here for over a week and I have a stable hashrate. The hashrate displayed by the website differs, sometimes even by +5 compared to my actual hashrate, other times -5. It's definitely based on the shares submitted and accepted, and as the difficulty oscilates, so will your acceptance rate. A 10 minute window is too small I think to make a longterm judgement.

A suggestion would be at the pool operator to probably add an ability to log a larger timeframe, but I understand that this would mean you have to collect and store more data and might not be the most efficient thing to focus at this early in this pools lifetime.