LTC miner here. Balance is 0 LTC after 24 hours of mining.

gabemiller832 6 years ago updated by iñaki Villan 6 years ago 11

Is it normal?
I have two miners, named a41 and a42, mining to the same wallet.
Address is MKHRtTJxSgmuFikYf8v1KwdAvurohmvhCE.


PS Miners made 1.46 B shares combined. (By 22:20 GMT, 12.01.)

At 1st we have to find a block... then your balance will rise...

Ok, wasn't complaining, rather RFI (request for info).


i have the same problem, i was mined 24h - 48h and my exodus wallet bring me 0 LTC balance

That's one thing, I don't think one payment's worth of balance could have accumlated in 48 hrs, what worries me is that the on the poolmning site, my own stat still shows 0 LTC balance.

I have 2.85 B shares...

It doesn't matter how many shares or how long you've been mining. If a block is not found there is nothing to be put in your balance. Whether you mine for 1000 hours and have a hundred billion shares you would still not have a balance unless a block is found. The LTC pool last found a block 3 days ago.

Just by heart, what was the longest period of time without finding one?

You can see how many blocks were found and when for yourself from the site. Click on the "Blocks" tab right next to "Getting Started"

Thanks to all for being patient with novice miners. :-)

thx for your paciene xddd