eth page only one can't load

rasteen 6 years ago updated by Matt Weaver 6 years ago 9

any ideas why and a fix . i understand it's not your problem however i need help with this

Can you open up your browser's console (CTRL+SHIFT+i on Windows for both Firefox and Chrome, Console tab) and try opening the page again. What errors are you getting? 

This poolmining.org page can’t be found

No webpage was found for the web address: https://poolmining.org/pool/eth

HTTP ERROR 404   been like this all day. strange all the other pages load. cleared cashe on both google and ie ,on difference. mining blind

on ie i can open the page but still can open stats or blocks , the same as before.with google i can't get this far

I have absolutely no confident answer for you. It's definitely a local problem at your end. Do you get the 404 even if you open the page in a Private/Incognito window mode?

It's not a local problem. I can't load the page either and there is another thread with a bunch of us who can't load it.

maybe this is what you asked for


VM196:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

moved my miners several hours ago now the page loads, looks like i got a partial block ,  SSSSHHHHHIIIIITTTTT

Got an echo that a new dashboard update will be released soon that should fix this.

I'm actually having the same exact problem with the XMR page.  It doesn't matter what network, browser, or even computer I try it on, it's hit or miss if it's there.  If I try hours later it may be back, it may be gone.  It really concerns me.